Our Raising Cane’s Fundraiser during the winter of 2021, at Raising Cane’s #67 in Opelousas, Louisiana, was a huge success! The Peanuts Plush Puppy sales, only at the Opelousas location, benefited Acadiana Humane Society. Today, February 5, 2022, volunteers Nick & Sheila Broussard were at Raising Canes “The Treehouse” #67, located at 1335 S Union St.; Opelousas, Louisiana to meet with manager Matthew Soileau and staff for the check presentation. Thanks to those of you who purchased your Peanuts Plush Puppys at the Opelousas location, Raising Cane’s #67 presented Acadiana Humane Society volunteers with a check for $884.00. These funds will be used towards paying off our current veterinary debt. We appreciate your support.

Acadiana Humane Volunteers Accepting Check

Raising Cane’s #67

Raising Cane’s #67 Staff Presenting Check
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Tags: acadiana, Acadiana Humane Society, animal rescue, Louisiana, Opelousas, Raising Canes