#Acadiana Humane Society suffered major wind damage from hurricane #Delta. We lost one #dog kennel and two kennel roofs. The roof on our quarantine/storage building is damaged and all the #animal feed and supplies that were inside got wet and are useless now. Many trees are down, at least 3 huge oaks trees totally uprooted, and lots of trees and huge broken branches everywhere. The road on one side is still totally blocked by a huge tree that we heard fall during the #hurricane. All of the #rescue #animals are fine, other then stress from the storm and now the heat. We’ll need to raise money ASAP to replace animal feed and supplies, to replace the kennel and kennel roofs, and to repair the roof on the building. We also have a lot of trees we need to have cut and removed. We must get a larger #generator before the next big #storm! Donations of any size are welcomed and very much appreciated! Please help us get back on our feet after the storm. Thank you!