Below are the events that we plan to participate in the near future (event participation is subject to change due to availability of volunteers). Please like and follow Acadiana Humane Society on Facebook for the most recent updates on events, new animal intakes, and newly adopted pets. Please click the links below to find our Facebook event pages for each event and click interested to keep up with the latest news!
- Saturday, June 29th 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM: Be A Foster Event at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave. Meet rescue pets that are in need of foster homes: kittens, cats, dogs, small animals, etc. Learn more about fostering, and also about bottle feeding. Applications to foster can be filled out on site.
- Saturday, June 29th 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM: Cat Food/Litter Drive & Fundraiser at the Wurst Beirgarten Public Market. Acadiana Humane Society has a booth to collect pet food & monetary donations. We will also have fundraiser items available. 100% of the money spent at the AHS booth goes to our n0-kill animal rescue. Sanctuarium Emporium will also have a booth next to AHS, and a portion of all the jewelry, Art, and poetry book sales goes to our animal rescue as well.
- Saturday & Sunday, July 13th & 14th 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday, July 13th 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM: Sanctuarium Emporium at Artwalk at Artmosphere (inside Artmosphere at 902 Johnston St. Lafayette) and a portion of all the jewelry, Art, and poetry book sales goes to our animal rescue.
- Saturday & Sunday, Aug 3rd & 4th 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday & Sunday, Aug 17th & 18th 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday & Sunday, Sept 21st & 22nd 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday & Sunday, Oct 5th & 6th 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday & Sunday, October (dates to be announced): Pumpkin Patch Craft Show
- Saturday & Sunday, Nov 2nd & 3rd 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
- Saturday & Sunday, Dec 7th & 8th 9 AM to 7 PM: Petco Home for the Holidays National Adoption Weekend at both Lafayette Petco stores for adoptions by appointment: Petco South at 605 Settler’s Trace Blvd. and also at Petco North at 3215 Louisiana Ave.
Find Acadiana Humane Society on Facebook, Instagram, and on Twitter!
Tags: acadiana, Acadiana Humane Society, animal rescue, Art, Artmosphere, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hedgehog, jewelry, kittens, Lafayette, poetry, rabbits, Sanctuarium Emporium, Wurst Biergarten